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Performance of different Agroforestry Systems in Semi-Arid Tropics of Andhra Pradesh. |
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Dr. G.R.S. Reddy, Scientist E |
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Sandal progenies of seventeen clones were established in the year 2002 and evaluated for their performance. The progenies exhibited better growth are AP4, K14, K3 & T26.
Plus tree teak and Dalbergia latifolia progenies were collected and raised in Agroforestry trials. The Khammam teak progenies and Jannaram rosewood progenies have exhibited the best growths.
Tree crop combinations like Rosewood + Sandal, Teak + Sandal and Eucalyptus + Sandal were raised with agricultural crops like Green gram, Pigeon pea and Jowar in the beginning and afterwards in fourth and fifth years Castor was raised. It was observed that Green gram, Pigeon pea and Jowar have performed on par with control (no trees) in the first three years of the system per unit cropped area under rosewood + Sandal system. However, the yields were found to be reduced in Teak + Sandal and were found to be lowest in Eucalyptus + Sandal system. Therefore, they are in the descending order of their suitability.
Castor was not found to be suitable in inter cropping at fourth and fifth years as germination is observed to be poor and are suppressed by weeds. That means growth is very poor increasing the cost of weeding and maintainance and reducing profit margins.
Allelopathic studies (pot cultures) revealed that germination was affected by Rosewood, Teak and Eucalyptus in the ascending order. However, the growth was better in Rosewood followed by Teak and Eucalyptus. Sandal was intermediate in response.
Therefore, germination is affected but growths in Rosewood and Teak are not affected by leachates and litter upon decomposition. That means the reduction in growth observed in individual plants may be due to competition and may not entirely be due to allelochemicals.
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Assessment of Impact of Forest Fire on the regeneration of Forests in Andhra Pradesh. |
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Sri D. Jaya Prasad, IFS, DCF |
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Analysis of three indicators like Important Value Index (IVI) and Shannon Biodiversity Index and Evenness Index together to conclude that though fire had no significant effect on changing the species richness i.e., total number of species in the given plant community, it has significantly altered the abundance of the species.
In fire affected areas community was pushed to more unevenness, thereby reducing the species diversity of the community. The reason may be that in fire affected areas species that are resistant to fire were more successful in survival and hence more abundant, pushing the community towards unevenness thereby reducing the species diversity. That is why it appears that though there is no significant change in species richness in fire protected and unprotected areas, species diversity was significantly lower in fire-affected areas.
It is pertinent observation that on fire effected areas pioneer species of Cyperus, Panicum, Phyllanthus are dominating. Fire indicator species like Sida, Cassia species are appeared. When forest is subjected to openness most Graminaceae species dominates the ground floor. In protected forests where the fencing or the protection from grazing is provided there is significant regeneration of the tree species, especially Tectona grandis, Lagerstroemia, Azadirachta, Anogeissus spp., Someida and Terminalia Species are observed. Regeneration of Dendrocalamus was promising in protected forests.
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Estimation of Variability in Pterocarpus marsupium and germplasm collection. |
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Dr. G.R.S. Reddy, Scientist E |
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A total of sixty populations were studied based on provenance delimitation criteria and based on stem form, height and GBH selected some of the populations that are known to be better than the others for these parameters. A number of plus trees were marked in various parts of the AP and Karnataka. A total of 400 seedlings were planted in FRC Campus from selected mother trees from different places of A.P.
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Studies on phenotypic variation in Pterocarpus santalinus and collection of germplasm. |
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Dr. G.R.S. Reddy, Scientist E |
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A total of sixty populations were studied based on provenance delimitation criteria and based on stem form, height and GBH selected some of the populations that are known to be better than the others for these parameters. A number of plus trees were marked in various parts of the AP. Propagated 250 plants from different collections and maintained them well from 60 candidate trees by vegetative means. The vegetative propagation technique could be standardized in this case. [It is a hard to root species]. The populations surveyed is Kurnool, Cuddapah, Anantapur and Chittoor districts of AP and identified certain trees for collection of germplasm.
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Dynamics of Insect Populations in Agroforestry Systems. |
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Dr. Y. Sridhar, Scientist C |
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Seasonality of cotton insect pests was not influenced by the introduction of perennial tree component in cotton ecosystem. Incidence of insect pests of cotton was influenced by the introduction of perennial tree component in cotton ecosystem. Incidence of cotton thrips and Jassid was found to be more in cotton sole crop as compared to cotton in combination with tree components. Population of natural enemies was more in Aonla+Cotton, Custard apple+Cotton systems as compared to cotton sole crop. Custard apple+Cotton and Aonla+Cotton systems were found to be suitable agroforestry combinations. Yield of cotton in Custard apple+Cotton is comparable with yield of cotton in sole crop without any use of insecticides. Over all economics of Custard apple+Cotton and Aonla+Cotton was found to be favourable.

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Screening of natural populations of Lagerstroemia spp. for domestication |
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Dr. G.R.S. Reddy, Scientist E |
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Two species of Lagerstroemia prevalent in AP and Karnataka are surveyed and several populations were identified from more than sixty populations. The processes of germplasm collection and multiplication by vegetative means have not been successful. The seed from different places is collected and stored from the better known populations. The progenies are being raised for posterity. The best populations of Lagerstroemia were identified in Medak, RR Dist.
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Natural variation studies in Rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.) for tree improvement. |
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Dr. G.R.S. Reddy, Scientist E |
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A total of sixty populations were studied based on provenance delimitation criteria and based on stem form, height and GBH selected some of the populations that are known to be better than the others for these parameters. A number of plus trees were marked in various parts of the AP and Karnataka. Their progenies numbering 399 were raised from 48 plus tree population both from Karnataka (100) and from A.P. (299). Apart from this a total of 30 root suckers collected from the best known source survive in the campus which was brought from field.
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Reclamation of Iron Ore mine spoils in Karnatakaka through afforestration. |
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Dr. A. Ponnambalam, Scientist C |
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